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1 Abbott Visits the Pet Store
2 Abbott and the Somersault
3 Abbott and the Inoperative Traffic Light
4 Abbott’s Dog
5 In Which Abbott is Surprised by Artifice
6 Abbott and the Paradox of Personal Growth
7 Abbott’s Dread
8 Wonderful Life
9 Abbott’s Imaginary Letter to an Imaginary Nationally Syndicated Childhood and Parenting Expert
10 Abbott and the Jacobite Revolts
11 Abbott and the Highchair
12 Abbott Hogs the Mood
13 Abbott Suffers the Pang of Vindication
14 In Which Abbott Fails to Complete a Pretty Basic Task
15 The Expatriate
16 Abbott and the Wrong Tool
17 Father’s Day
18 All Observation, Darwin Noted, Must Be For or Against Some View If It Is to Be of Any Service
19 Abbott’s Mind
20 Malaise Is for Renters
21 Abbott and the Longest Day of the Year
22 The Abbott Hubcap Index (AHI)
23 Abbott RSVPs
24 Abbott Goes In
25 Abbott and the Antique Tractor
26 Abbott and the Families of Trapped Miners
27 The Labors of Abbott
28 Abbott the Activist
29 Abbott Takes the Garbage Out
30 Abbott and the Bowl-Shaped Field
1 Abbott Bumps His Head on the Glass Ceiling of the Capitalist Imagination
2 Abbott and the Disturbing Images
3 Abbott and the Terrible Persistence of Romantic Thought
4 Abbott Celebrates the Birth of His Nation
5 In Which the Celebration Continues Deep into the Night
6 The Heating and Cooling Specialist’s Tale
7 In Which Abbott Is Linked to Fetal Research In New Zealand
8 Abbott Recoils from The Natural Order of Things
9 Abbott Glimpses, As If from a Distance
10 The Broken Heart It Kens
11 Abbott and the Clenched Jaw
12 Abbott Discovers an Idiom in His Yard
13 Abbott Thinks, Yet Again, the Unthinkable
14 Abbott’s Imaginary Burst into Subdisciplinary Prominence
15 On the Very Possibility of Kindness
16 Abbott and the Mail
17 Abbott Adds a Key to the Ring
18 Abbott on the Couch
19 Abbott and the Sticky Shit All Over the Fucking Steering Wheel Again
20 Abbott and the Utopian Community
21 In Which Abbott Drives through the Center of a Diamond
22 Abbott’s Cave
23 Abbott’s Folk Remedy
24 On Turbulence
25 The Obstetrician’s Tale
26 Abbott and the Oversized Load
27 In Which Abbott Sits in a Parked Car for Quite a While
28 Abbott and the Vexing Claims of Purity
29 Abbott and the Infestation
30 On Conservation
31 The Brave Simplicity of Truth
1 Abbott and the Clogged Main
2 In Which There Are no Hard Feelings
3 Abbott and the Good News First
4 Abbott at the Edge of His Seat
5 Abbott’s Set Point
6 Abbott near the Doorway
7 Abbott and the Visiting Nurse
8 Abbott Concedes
9 Discretion is the Better Part of Discreteness
10 Abbott’s Reminder
11 Abbott’s Inadvertent Research on Prepositions
12 In Which a Gorilla Appears
13 Abbott Makes a Move
14 Abbott, Pierced by the Subjunctive
15 Abbott and the Case of the Mysterious Thing in the Driveway
16 Abbott and the Online Questionnaire
17 In Which Abbott and His Wife Are Unafraid
18 Abbott and the Irregular Past Tense
19 In Which Abbott Stays Clean
20 Abbott Improves
21 Abbott Visits the Coffee Shop
22 Abbott’s Supporting Role
23 On Dormancy
24 Abbott Stumbles toward a Theory of Use
25 Abbott and the Parable of the Giraffe
26 On Containment
27 Abbott and the Small Black Spot
28 Abbott Looks out the Window
29 Abbott and the Cold Shudder
30 Abbott on the Roof
31 Abbott Chooses a Side
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