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Hold Everything Dear
Twelve Theses on the Economy of the Dead (1994)
Wanting Now (April 2006)
Seven Levels of Despair (November 2001)
Undefeated Despair (December 2005)
I Would Softly Tell My Love (January 2002)
Where Are We? (October 2002)
War Against Terrorism or a Terrorist War? (June 2002)
Let Us Think About Fear (April 2003)
Stones (June 2003)
The Chorus in Our Heads or Pier Paolo Pasolini (June 2006)
A Master of Pitilessness? (May 2004)
Ten Dispatches About Endurance in Face of Walls (October 2004)
Flesh and Speeches (July 2005)
About Disconnecting (September 2005)
Ten Dispatches About Place (June 2005)
Another Side of Desire (June 2002)
Looking Carefully — Two Women Photographers (2005–2006)