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The knitting needle
Twins, so what?
The child
Traitor to motherhood
Stethoscope, my sweet
Sanatorium for children with lung conditions
Traitors everywhere
To talk about atoms?
No manners
A civilized family
Am I an evil woman?
I was a role model
Perfect spouse
Other things to worry about
She’s an Angel
A clean girl
I was actually rather inexperienced
It just wasn’t possible without me
Gefilte fish
The end of the world
Not my baby
Poor sow
My farewell
Just us
Sulfia, you need a foreigner
The comotose German
A foreign idiot
For a better life
All three or none
A good girl
The country that had never conquered us
He needed a woman
Nice to Sulfia
You should be happy
Not quite Germany
A second Sulfia
Iron maiden
A young woman
The third husband
Tutyrgan tavyk
Elegant and agile
The mountain didn’t want me
The best daughters
As long as you’re here
In Sulfia’s voice
My women
The prettiest patient in the intensive care unit
Mine is the prettiest
But there was nothing about me
Germany is a small country
Tartar cuisine
All the time in the world
About the Author