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Airborne 101
Airborne Technology
Operations: The Modern Airborne Assault
Dragon Leader: An Interview with Lieutenant General John M. Keane, USA
The Airborne Creed
Fort Benning: The Cradle of the Airborne
The Schoolhouse: The 1st Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Jump School: Three Weeks at Hell’s Gate
Basic Airborne Course Training Schedule — Week 1
Basic Airborne Course Training Schedule — Week 2
Basic Airborne Course Training Schedule — Week 3
To the 82nd: Duty on the Line
Advanced Schools: Pathfinder and Jumpmaster
Tools of the Airborne Trade
The Soldier’s Load: Personal Infantry Equipment
Prime Movers: Hummers and Trucks
Helicopters: Airpower for the Airborne
Heavy Support Weapons
Heavy Direct-Fire Weapons
Big Guns: Airborne Field Artillery
Modernization: Land Warrior XXI
21st Century Land Warrior
The Air Force Contribution
Airborne Warfare: The Air Force Legacy
Warthog: The Fairchild-Republic A/OA-10 Thunderbolt II
The Labors of Hercules: The Lockheed Martin C-130
Deployment Tanker: The McDonnell Douglas KC-10A Extender
Heavy Iron: The McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
1st Brigade/82nd Airbone: A Guided Tour of an Airborne Task Force
The All-Americans: A Tradition of Battle
The 82nd Airborne Division: America’s Fire Brigade
The 82nd Today: A Guided Tour
Getting There: Supporting Units
Building the All-American Team
The 82nd Way of War: Operation Royal Dragon
Division Ready Brigade: Eighteen Weeks in the Cycle
Division Ready Brigade: The 82nd Concept of Operations
Life in the Cycle: The Summer of ʼ96
The 82nd Airborne in the Real World
Operation Fort Apache: Sudan, 2007
Operation Royal Banana: Belize, 2009