Editor’s Introduction
1. The Secret Rendezvous
2. A Landfall in Turkey
3. Arrival in Darkness
4. Pete
5. The Kibbutz
6. The Long Arm of Chance
7. The Professor
8. Daily Bread
9. Operation “Welcome”
10. The Cipher
11. Grete
12. David and Grete
13. Jerusalem Interlude
14. A Visitant
15. The Paper-Chase
16. Lawton and the Ambassador
17. Enter Schiller
18. Exit Isaac Jordan
19. Across the Border
20. Into Egypt
21. Schiller’s End
22. Pulling Out
23. New Dispositions
24. A Gift for Ras Shamir
25. Lovers’ Meeting
26. Love and War
27. The Ultimatum
28. The Kibbutz Embattled
29. After the Battle
30. The Decision