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List of Plates
List of Maps
Popular Mythology
Strategic Setting
Terrain and Weather Factors
Doctrinal and Technological Influences
Tanker Facts of Life
Chapter 1
The Opposing Armoured Forces in 1941
The German Panzerwaffe
The Red Army’s Tank Force
Chapter 2
The Dynamic of Armoured Operations in 1941
Panzergruppe 4 versus the Northwest Front, 22–30 June
Panzergruppe 3 and the Crossing of the Neman, 22–24 June
The Destruction of Pavlov’s Armour in the Bialystok Salient
Von Kleist’s Panzergruppe 1 versus the Southwest Front
An Assessment of the June 1941 Border Battles
Stopping Höpner’s Advance on Leningrad, July–September 1941
Crossing the Berezina and Dnieper, July 1941
Seizing the Bull by the Horns: Smolensk, 10 July–5 August
Showdown at Yartsevo, 17–31 July 1941
Velikiye Luki: Punch and Counterpunch, 17 July–26 August
The Road to Kiev, 2–9 July
Kishinev, 2–12 July 1941
Debacle at Uman, 15 July–8 August
Yelnya: Zhukov’s Pyhrric Victory, 8 August–6 September
Kiev: the Führer’s Choice, 25 August–20 September
Yeremenko’s Attempted Deep Battle, 30 August–7 September
Kiev: Closing the Kessel, 1–20 September
Sustaining the Tanks, September 1941
Pursuit to the Donbas, September–October 1941
Preparing for Typhoon, 6–30 September
Typhoon: Guderian’s Battle, 30 September–16 October
Hoth Demolishes the Western Front, 2–12 October
Höpner Seals the Vyazma kessel, 2–12 October
Zhukov: Playing for Time, 7–31 October
Guderian Tries for Tula, 22 October–30 November
Typhoon: the Last Roll of the Dice, 1 November–4 December
Gamble at Tikhvin, 16 October–18 November 1941
Rostov: von Kleist’s Frozen Blitzkrieg, 5–20 November
Striking the Hydra’s Head, 25 November–15 December
Chapter 3
Armoured Operations in 1942
Soviet and German Armoured Forces, January–March 1942
The Winter Counter-offensive, January–March 1942
Armoured Warfare in the Winter
Fateful Decisions and Armoured Renewal, April–May 1942
Tank Skirmishes in the Crimea, 1 January–20 May
Decision at Kharkov, 12–28 May 1942
Clearing up Loose Ends, 2 June–4 July
Case Blau: Hoth’s Advance to Voronezh, 28 June–15 July
Von Kleist’s Panzers Head for the Oil, 9 July–6 September
Drive on Stalingrad, 16 July–23 August
Tank Battles north of Orel, 5 July–29 August
Stalingrad: the Schwerpunkt Hits a Brick Wall, 24 August–1 November
The Rzhev Meatgrinder, 2 July–30 August
Enter the Tigers, August–December 1942
Operation Uranus, 19–23 November
Wintergewitter, 12–19 December
Operation Mars, 25 November–20 December
Deep Battle, 16–30 December
Armour on the Eastern Front at the End of 1942
Appendix I
Rank Table
Appendix II
Armour Order of Battle, 22 June 1941
Appendix III
Tanks on the Eastern Front, 1941
Appendix IV
Tank Production, 1941
Appendix V
Armour Order of Battle, 1 July 1942
Appendix VI
Tank Production, 1942
Chapter 1: The Opposing Armoured Forces in 1941
Chapter 2: The Dynamic of Armoured Operations in 1941
Chapter 3: Armoured Operations in 1942