I. The Book
II. Pursuit
III. The Key
IV. Recognition
V. Homecoming
VI. The Lamp
VII. Zaman's hill
VIII. The Port
IX. The Courtyard
X. The Pigeon-Flyers
XI. The Well
XII. The Howler
XIII. Hesperia
XIV. Star-Winds
XV. Antarktos
XVI. The Window
XVII. A Memory
XVIII. The Gardens of Yin
XIX. The Bells
XX. Night-Gaunts
XXI. Nyarlathotep
XXII. Azathoth
XXIII. Mirage
XXIV. The Canal
XXV. St. toad's
XXVI. The Familiars
XXVII. The Elder Pharos
XXVIII. Expectancy
XXIX. Nostalgia
XXX. Background
XXXI. The Dweller
XXXII. Alienation
XXXIII. Harbour Whistles
XXXIV. Recapture
XXXV. Evening Star
XXXVI. Continuity