Section I: "Is This A DAGGER That I See Before Me?"
Chapter 1: "Let's Call It A Little Vacation."
Chapter 2: "What Do You Know About DAGGER?"
Chapter 3: "Today Just Isn't Our Day."
Chapter 4: "He Really Could Destroy The World!"
Section II: "Give Me The DAGGER!"
Chapter 5: "The Most Fun By A Damsite."
Chapter 6: "But He Left His Glass Slipper."
Chapter 7: "Call It Egotism, But I Think We're Worth More Alive."
Chapter 8: "Looks As If They've Got It Working."
Section III: "Though It Rain DAGGERS With Their Points Downward."
Chapter 9: "Take Us To Your Leader."
Chapter 10: "The Technological Hierarchy For What?"
Chapter 11: "We May All Be Outnumbered!"
Chapter 12: "Let's Take Him Sightseeing."
Section IV: "The Hand That Held The DAGGER."
Chapter 13: "I Have A Special Tour In Mind."
Chapter 14: "Such A Sloppy-Looking Thing To End The World With."
Chapter 15: "Mr. Solo, We Are DAGGER!"
Chapter 16: "'The Object Of Power Is Power.'"