Section I: "The Sailor Told Me Before He Died…"
Chapter 1: "A Dollar A Round."
Chapter 2: "An Awfully Big Haystack."
Chapter 3: "What Did You Expect — Big Ben?"
Chapter 4: "You Know A Party Named Kropotkin?"
Section II: "They Built Themselves A Monster Wheel…"
Chapter 5: "Neu-Schloss? Where's That?"
Chapter 6: "I'll Show You A Magic Trick."
Chapter 7: "Sing For Us, Rameses."
Chapter 8: "A Message From Space."
Section III: "Round And Round Went The Monster Wheel…"
Chapter 9: "This is Your Submarine — Keep It Clean."
Chapter 10: "Island Ho!"
Chapter 11: "Get Those Intruders!"
Chapter 12: "Head For Home, James!"
Section IV: "Is There No Way Of Stopping It?"
Chapter 13: "The Highest Con In The History Of The World."
Chapter 14: "We'll Have To Ditch!"
Chapter 15: "Accidental Misfire."
Chapter 16: "Dauringa Island Calling The World!"