1. Against Death
2. Intestinal Worms, Enemas
3. For Having a Good Time
3b. The Title Will Be Thought Up in December
3c. The Following Summer
37. Costa del Sol, Costa del’ Luz
373. Clarification?
4. Female Swelling
5. Driving away So-Called “Spirits”
6. On the Connection That Some Representatives of the Common Folk See Between Tobacco and the So-Called “Devil.” A Concrete Example of the Driving Out of the Latter and How He Flees from Tobacco As from Incense
7. Curing Lovesickness
8. Against Bad Breath
9. Against Aching Joints
10. For Long Life
11. On the Debate by the Honorable, Learned Scholars Dr. Cheynell, an Englishman, and Dr. Monardes, a Spaniard, with the Foolish and Ignorant English King and His Sycophantic Servants Who Present Themselves before the Civilized World As Physicians — to Their and Their Chieftain’s Great Shame
12. For the Treatment of Domestic Animals and the Quick Accumulation of Wealth
13. For the Healing of Scabs
14. Against Toothaches
15. Against Fevers from Colds and for Creative Energy
16. For the Elimination of All Indecision, the Resolution of All Doubts, and So On
17. Against Headaches
18. For Protection Against the Plague and All Manner of Contagions
19. The Death of Dr. Monardes
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