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The Book of Dave
1. The Hack's Party: JUN 523 AD
2. Trapping a Flyer: December 2001
3. The Geezer: SEP 509-10 AD
4. The Family of Man: June 1987
5. The Exile: OCT 523 AD
6. The Skip Tracer: April 2002
7. Broken on the Wheel 510-13 AD
8. The Shmeiss Ponce: September 1992
9. The Lawyer of Chil: Kipper 523-4 AD
10. The Riddle: August 2002
11. The Forbidden Zöne: Kipper 522 AD
12. The Book of Dave: October 2000
13. New London: MAR 524 AD
14. Getting Out from Behind the Wheel: February 2003
15. The Moto Slaughter: JUN 524 AD
16. Made in China: October 2003
Arpee-English With Some Alternative Mokni Orthographies
Praise for The Book of Dave