1. The Album
2. Jimmy
3. Decision, Decisions
4. The Black Rose
5. Code Six
6. The Coral Sea
7. Dinah and Jack
8. Gloria
9. Gloria
10. The Black Rose
11. Phyllis and Luna
12. Jack and Dinah
13. Phyllis and her friends
14. The Kum Bak Club
15. The cave of sheets
16. Peggy and Classic
17. Perpetual Motion
18. Being misconstrued
19. The Black Rose
20. Melissa
21. Peggy
22. Spider
23. Cynthia
24. Jimmy
25. Code Six
26. The Black Rose
27. Candy
28. Gloria
29. The end of the story
A Profile of a Tenderloin street prostitute (1985–1988)
Street Prices for Hair, Sex and Other Things (1985–1988)