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Chapter 1
Seek, Strike, and Destroy
Crafting a Tank Destroyer Doctrine
Building an Organization
Training the Men
Chapter 2
North Africa: Seeing the Elephant
Tunisia: The War Begins in Earnest
The Main Effort: Fighting Around Medjez el Bab
Tanks to Destroy, and Guns to Do It
The Southern Flank: The Tunisian Task Force
Shadow Boxing
Chapter 3
From Gloom to Glory
Delaying Actions: Sbeitla and Feriana
Clobbered at Kasserine
On to Victory
The Perfect Test: Action at El Guettar
The First Accounting
Chapter 4
The Tough Underbelly
Beyond the Beachhead
Chapter 5
Anzio and Two Roads to Rome
The German Tide Rises
Germany’s Tank Destroyers
Checked at Cassino
An End to Stalemate
Groping Toward Better Combined-Arms Solutions
The M18 Arrives
Coiling for the Next Strike
Chapter 6
Storming Fortress Europe
The M10 Plays Tank
The Problem with Towed Guns
A Sudden Feeling of Impotence
Chapter 7
Armored Thunder
Counterblow at Mortain
Pocketing the German Seventh Army
River Hopping
Operation Dragoon
End of the Rat Race
The Tank Battles of Lorraine
Changes in the Force
A Gun for Hunting Big Game
Chapter 8
The Battle for the Border
The Battle of Aachen
No Fire-and-Maneuver Here
A Grim Struggle
Cannons at Climbach
Chapter 9
The Battle of the Bulge
Towed Guns Tested
The Hitler Youth Grab a Porcupine
Slowing the Surge at St. Vith
Channeling the Flood
The Battered Bastards of Bastogne
Armored Crush
The Smaller Bulge
Lessons Learned
Chapter 10
Sought, Struck, and Destroyed
Surge to the Rhine
Charging with the Cavalry
Across the Rhine
The Fat Lady Sings
Mission Accomplished
Appendix A
Tank Destroyer Battalions by Campaign1
Appendix B
Battalion Profiles
A Galley of Photographs
Chapter 1: Seek, Strike, and Destroy
Chapter 2: North Africa: Seeing the Elephant
Chapter 3: From Gloom to Glory
Chapter 4: The Tough Underbelly
Chapter 5: Anzio and Two Roads to Rome
Chapter 6: Storming Fortress Europe
Chapter 7: Armored Thunder
Chapter 8: The Battle for the Border
Chapter 9: The Battle of the Bulge
Chapter 10: Sought, Struck, and Destroyed
Appendix A
Appendix B