
Block Lawrence - Writing the Novel

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Автор: Block Lawrence
Название: Writing the Novel
Жанр: Учебники
Издательский дом: Writer's Digest Books
Год издания: 1985
For years, readers have turned to Lawrence Block’s novels for mesmerizing entertainment. And for years. writers have turned to Block’s for candid, conversational, practical advice on how to put a publishable novel on paper.Now that you’ve discovered it, you, too, will find this to be the guide for the working novelist. Filled with Block’s experiences and much that he’s learned from others, the look helps you:• identify the type of novel you’re to write• invite plot ideas to bubble up from your subconscious• develop characters who act, feel and speak like real people• use what you know and learn what you must• snare readers from the start• keep writing• develop your style• market your work in a professional mannerBead what Lawrence Block has to say. Then write what you have to write. Your novel.


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Block Lawrence
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