
Kadrey Richard - Kill City Blues

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Автор: Kadrey Richard
Название: Kill City Blues
Жанр: Городское фэнтези
Издательский дом: HarperCollins
Год издания: 2013
James Stark, aka Sandman Slim, has managed to get out of Hell - again - renounce his title as the new Lucifer, and settle back into life in LA. But he's not out of trouble yet. Somewhere along the way he misplaced a weapon from the banished older gods who now want it back.The hunt leads Stark to an abandoned shopping mall — a multi-storey copy of LA — infested with Lurkers and bottom-feeding Sub Rosa families, squatters who have formed tight tribes to guard their tiny patches of territory. Somewhere in the kill zone of the former mall is a dead man with the answers Stark needs. All Stark has to do is find the dead man, get back out alive, and outrun some angry old gods — with a few killers on his tail. 


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Kadrey Richard
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