
Murphy Shirley - Cat Pay the Devil

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Автор: Murphy Shirley
Название: Cat Pay the Devil
Жанр: Детективы: прочее
Award-winning author Shirley Rousseau Murphy once again gives eager readers memorable and charming characters, both feline and human, in a skillful and sophisticated story that magically transcends the mystery genre. Tomcat Joe Grey, his feline companion, Dulcie, and their timid but tough-as-nails tattercoat friend Kit will "leave fans purring with pleasure," wrote Publishers Weekly. In this twelfth intricate and enchanting novel, the crafty feline trio faces perhaps their most feared enemy: two of their closest human friends are kidnapped and may not live to see freedom.Molena Point, California, nestled quietly on the Pacific coast miles below San ...


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Murphy Shirley
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