
Niven Larry - The Ringworld Engineers

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Автор: Niven Larry
Название: The Ringworld Engineers
Жанр: Космическая фантастика
Издательский дом: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Год издания: 1980
, the most celebrated work in Niven’s “Known Space” sequence, posited a vast body of matter — enough for an entire solar system — spinning around a sun in the form of a single giant artifact of unknown origin: a continuous million-mile-wide ribbon provided with oceans, atmosphere, and vast flat projections (life-size “maps”) of Earth and other inhabited planets. The present book takes up the puzzle some 20 years after Louis Wu’s escape from the Ringworld. Kidnapped by the mate of Nessus, their two-headed alien companion of the previous voyage, Louis and his catlike ally Chmeee are transported to the Ringworld — ...


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Niven Larry
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