
Tate Glen - 299 Days: The Stronghold

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Автор: Tate Glen
Название: 299 Days: The Stronghold
Жанр: Постапокалипсис
Издательский дом: PrepperPress.com
Год издания: 2012
, the fourth book in the series, Grant Matson begins teaming up with others who will help the community of Pierce Point become a Patriot stronghold, ready to stand against government Loyalists, the Undecideds and the Oblivious. Using the United States Constitution as their guide, they develop a sense of order and begin planning for a future that shows no sign of improving.Outside of Pierce Point, the country continues its downward spiral. The Feds are rationing food and gas and playing favorites while some states are choosing to “opt out” of the Federal Government. Scrappy street gangs have ...


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Tate Glen
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