
Vachss Andrew - Strega

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Автор: Vachss Andrew
Название: Strega
Жанр: Триллер
From Publishers WeeklyIn his first novel, Flood, attorney-turned-novelist Vachss introduced Burke, the ex-con investigator who's not averse to working either side of the law. The book captured the brutal atmosphere of New York 's underbelly. This modern-day Robin Hood returns to that seamy world, complete with a merry band that includes a mute Mongolian strongman, a weird genius who lives in a junkyard, a transvestite prostitute and an intimidating dog named Pansy. Hired by a strangely alluring Mafia princess calling herself Strega ("witch" in loose translation), Burke must find a certain photograph of a child forced into ...


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Vachss Andrew
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