
Ибботсон Ева - Let Sleeping Sea-Monsters Lie

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Автор: Ибботсон Ева
Название: Let Sleeping Sea-Monsters Lie
Жанр: Детская проза
Издательский дом: Macmillan Children’s Books
Год издания: 2012
As long as stories and people have existed, parents have been telling cautionary tales to their children, warning them what might happen to them if they are nasty, reckless or just bad-mannered. But these are cautionary tales with a difference. True, the offenders have the usual vices — they are rude, snobbish, disobedient, aggressive and bossy — and are bound to come a cropper. But the way in which they get their comeuppance is ingenious in every case, and always has something to do with an imaginary monster. In these adventures you will be introduced to a Frid, a Kraken, a Boobrie and several other creatures populating Eva Ibbotson’s fertile mind.


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Ибботсон Ева
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