
Ле Гуин Урсула - The Telling

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Ле Гуин Урсула - The Telling скачать бесплатно
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Автор: Ле Гуин Урсула
Название: The Telling
Жанр: Социальная фантастика
Издательский дом: Harcourt
Год издания: 2000
Earthling Sutty has been living a solitary, well-protected life in Dovza City on the planet Aka as an official Observer for the interstellar Ekumen. Insisting on all citizens being pure "producer-consumers," the tightly controlled capitalist government of Aka — the Corporation — is systematically destroying all vestiges of the ancient ways: "The Time of Cleansing" is the chilling term used to describe this era. Books are burned, the old language and calligraphy are outlawed, and those caught trying to keep any part of the past alive are punished and then reeducated. Frustrated in her attempts to study the linguistics and literature ...


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Ле Гуин Урсула
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