
Силверберг Роберт - The Man In The Maze

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Автор: Силверберг Роберт
Название: The Man In The Maze
Жанр: Научная фантастика
Издательский дом: Avon Books
Год издания: 1969
During his heroic first encounter with an alien race, Dick Muller was permanently altered, hideously transformed in a way that left him repulsive to the entire human race. Alone and embittered, he exiled himself to Lemnos, an abandoned planet famed for its labyrinthine horrors, both real and imagined. But now, Earth trembles on the brink of extinction, threatened by another alien species, and only Muller can rescue the planet. Men must enter the murderous maze of Lemnos, find Muller, and convince him to come back. But will the homeless alien, alone in the universe, risk his life to save his race, the race that has utterly rejected him?


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Силверберг Роберт
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