
Сингх Налини - Archangels Blade

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Автор: Сингх Налини
Название: Archangels Blade
Жанр: Любовная фантастика
Издательский дом: Berkley Sensation
Год издания: 2011
bestselling author Nalini Singh is back in the shadows of a deadly, beautiful world where angels rule, vampires serve, and one female hunter must crawl out of the darkness to survive...The severed head marked by a distinctive tattoo on its cheek should have been a Guild case, but dark instincts honed over hundreds of years of life compel the vampire Dmitri to take control. There is something twisted about this death, something that whispers of centuries long past...but Dmitri's need to discover the truth is nothing to the vicious strength of his response to the hunter ...


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Сингх Налини
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