
Сингх Налини - Visions of Heat

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Автор: Сингх Налини
Название: Visions of Heat
Жанр: Любовная фантастика
Год издания: 2007
Go deeper into the world of the Psy and the changelings, where a gifted woman sees passion in her future—a passion that is absolutely forbidden by her kind...Used to cold silence, Faith NightStar is suddenly being tormented by dark visions of blood and murder. A bad sign for anyone, but worse for Faith, an F-Psy with the highly sought after ability to predict the future. Then the visions show her something even more dangerous—aching need...exquisite pleasure. But so powerful is her sight, so fragile the state of her mind, that the very emotions she ...


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Сингх Налини
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