
Сингх Налини - Archangels Shadows

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Автор: Сингх Налини
Название: Archangels Shadows
Жанр: Любовная фантастика
Издательский дом: Jove
Год издания: 2014
In the wake of a brutal war, the archangel Raphael and his hunter consort, Elena, are dealing with the treacherously shifting tides of archangelic politics and the people of a battered but not broken city. The last thing their city needs is more death, especially a death that bears the eerie signature of an insane enemy archangel who cannot — should not — be walking the streets.This hunt must be undertaken with stealth and without alerting their people. It must be handled by those who can become shadows themselves...Ash is a gifted tracker and a woman cursed ...


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Сингх Налини
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