
Chirrick Tabitha - Overshadowed

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Автор: Chirrick Tabitha
Название: Overshadowed
Жанр: Научная фантастика
Издательский дом: Tabitha Chirrick
Год издания: 2016
Fourteen months ago, the Igador System’s council government finally achieved peace with its personal brand of space pirate: the Sinosian Raiders. Coexistence was short-lived, and now Igador is devastated as the raiders use fourteen months’ worth of peace tax collections to launch a full scale invasion. Driven from her home planet by the catastrophic raid, seventeen-year-old Tayel flees to a council refugee camp. No one is permitted to leave, no one shares progress on the invasion, and worst of all, refugee shuttles stop flying in, preventing the chance of reuniting with anyone from home. So when ...


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Chirrick Tabitha
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