
Rie Deacon - 26 and Change

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Автор: Rie Deacon
Название: 26 and Change
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: Alamo House Publishing
Год издания: 2018
The first time running a marathon can be a challenging task for anyone. For combat veteran Stephen Lantz, the next few hours will be spent testing his physical endurance with thousands of strangers along the highly celebrated paved city roads. His mind, however, will run alone as he strives to reach beyond the pain of a life pushed to its limits and the burdens of a war he hasn’t left behind.Stephen is about to discover there is more to the race than the physical miles. In a battle he never saw coming, can Stephen overcome his past without falling victim to the weathered edges of his own memories? And can it be done while his body degrades over 26.2 miles of unforgiving, uncaring solid asphalt?


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Rie Deacon
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