
Stricker E. - The Almanac

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Автор: Stricker E.
Название: The Almanac
Жанр: Постапокалипсис
Издательский дом: E.L. Stricker
Год издания: 2019
A century ago the pandemic known as The Calamity wiped out most of the population.Illya Oslov’s village is on the brink of starvation. Food supplies are dwindling, and winter is slow to release its grip. The ways of the old world are regarded with fear and superstition. Reading, farming techniques and modern technology have been forgotten. But, Illya believes that the hidden knowledge of the old world holds the only hope for his people’s survival.Now, Illya’s people eke out a meager existence as hunter-gatherers, barely scraping up enough food to sustain themselves, ...


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Stricker E.
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