
Тимофеева-Егорова Анна - Over Fields of Fire

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Тимофеева-Егорова Анна - Over Fields of Fire скачать бесплатно
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Автор: Тимофеева-Егорова Анна
Название: Over Fields of Fire
Жанр: Военная документалистика
Издательский дом: Helion & Company Limited
Год издания: 2011
During the 1930s the Soviet Union launched a major effort to create a modern Air Force. That process required training tens of thousands of pilots. Among those pilots were larger numbers of young women, training shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. A common training program of the day involved studying in “flying clubs” during leisure hours, first using gliders and then training planes. Following this, the best graduates could enter military schools to become professional combat pilots or flight navigators. The author of this book passed through all of those stages and had become an experienced training pilot ...


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Тимофеева-Егорова Анна
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