
Wilde Fox - Variant Exchange

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Автор: Wilde Fox
Название: Variant Exchange
Жанр: Исторический детектив
Издательский дом: Amazon Digital Services
Год издания: 2019
It’s 1981 and an underground punk rock scene has taken root in Eastern Germany, behind the Berlin Wall. Lena Schindler, one of the up-and-coming vocalists of the scene, is arrested and tortured by the secret police before being forced to spy on her friends, family, and bandmates.As her adventures bring her deeper and deeper into the depths of the Stasi intelligence apparatus, however, she finds that not only is very little as it seems… even on the other side of the wall… but the wilderness of mirrors that stands between her and freedom involves some of the most powerful players of the Cold War.


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Wilde Fox
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Variant Exchange