
Barnes Djuna - Ladies Almanack

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Автор: Barnes Djuna
Название: Ladies Almanack
Жанр: Классическая проза
Издательский дом: New York University Press
Год издания: 1992
Blending fiction, myth, and revisionary parody and accompanied by the author's delightful illustrations, "Ladies Almanac" is also a brilliant modernist composition and arguably the most audacious lesbian text of its time. While the book pokes fun at the wealthy expatriates who were Barnes' literary contemporaries and remains controversial today, it seems to have delighted its cast of characters, which was also the first audience. Barney herself subsidized its private publication in 1928. Fifty of the 1050 copies of the first edition were hand colored by the author, who was identified only as a lady of Fashion: on the title page.


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Barnes Djuna
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Ladies Almanack
