
Carey Jacqueline - Banewreaker

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Автор: Carey Jacqueline
Название: Banewreaker
Жанр: Фэнтези
If all that is good thinks you evil… are you?Once upon a time, the Seven Shapers dwelled in accord and Shaped the world to their will. But Satoris, the youngest among them, was deemed too generous in his gifts to the race of Men, and so began the Shapers' War, which Sundered the world. Now six of the Shapers lay to one end of a vast ocean, and Satoris to the other, reviled by even the race of Men.Satoris sits in his Darkhaven, surrounded by his allies. Chief among them is Tanaros Blacksword, immortal Commander ...


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Carey Jacqueline
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