
Dawson Mark - Ghosts

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Автор: Dawson Mark
Название: Ghosts
Жанр: Триллер
Издательский дом: Black Dog Publishing
Год издания: 2013
John Milton is a ghost.He was Number One. The most dangerous assassin in Group Fifteen, the black-ops organisation that solves problems when diplomacy has failed. Now Milton is Her Majesty's most wanted fugitive — an anonymous loner with a deadly set of skills. So when he is arrested following a brawl in a Texas bar, the last person he expected to bail him out was a glamorous operative from the Russian Secret Service.Milton is blackmailed into finding his predecessor as Number One. But she's a ghost, too, and just as dangerous as him.He finds himself in deep trouble, playing the Russians against the British in a desperate attempt to save the life of his oldest friend.


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Dawson Mark
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