
Forczyk Robert - Where the Iron Crosses Grow

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Автор: Forczyk Robert
Название: Where the Iron Crosses Grow
Жанр: Военная история
Издательский дом: Osprey Publishing
Год издания: 2014
Nazi and Soviet armies fought over the Crimean Peninsula for three long years using sieges, dozens of amphibious landings, and large scale maneuvers. This definitive English-language work on the savage battle for the Crimea, sheds new light on this vital aspect of the Eastern Front.The Crimea was one of the crucibles of the war on the Eastern Front, where first a Soviet and then a German army were surrounded, fought desperate battles and were eventually destroyed. The fighting in the region was unusual for the Eastern Front in many ways, in that naval supply, amphibious landings and ...


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Forczyk Robert
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