
Gaddis William - Agape Agape

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Автор: Gaddis William
Название: Agape Agape
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: Penguin Classics
Год издания: 2003
William Gaddis published four novels during his lifetime, immense and complex books that helped inaugurate a new movement in American letters. Now comes his final work of fiction, a subtle, concentrated culmination of his art and ideas. For more than fifty years Gaddis collected notes for a book about the mechanization of the arts, told by way of a social history of the player piano in America. In the years before his death in 1998, he distilled the whole mass into a fiction, a dramatic monologue by an elderly man with a terminal illness. Continuing Gaddis's career-long reflection on those aspects of corporate technological culture that are uniquely destructive of the arts, is a stunning achievement from one of the indisputable masters of postwar American fiction.


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Gaddis William
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