
Galbraith Gillian - No Sorrow To Die

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Автор: Galbraith Gillian
Название: No Sorrow To Die
Жанр: Детективы: прочее
As Heather Brodie kisses her lover goodnight, her disabled husband lies dead, his throat cut from ear to ear. Who wanted Gavin Brodie dead? Many people, including Gavin Brodie. Crushed by an incurable illness, he pleaded to be allowed to die. When Alice Rice is brought in to investigate, another terminally-ill man is found murdered. Is it just a coincidence? Or is there a serial killer with a mission to get rid of the sick and infirm? And Alice has more worries when she suspects her partner, Ian Melville, is lying to her. What secret is he hiding? This atmospheric thriller builds on the success of the first three Alice Rice mysteries, and is a passionate tale of deception, betrayal and the value of life and love.


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Galbraith Gillian
другие книги автора:

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Dying Of The Light

No Sorrow To Die

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