
Grossman Lev - The Magicians

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Автор: Grossman Lev
Название: The Magicians
Жанр: Фэнтези
Издательский дом: Viking
Год издания: 2009
Quentin Coldwater is brilliant but miserable. A senior in high school, he’s still secretly preoccupied with a series of fantasy novels he read as a child, set in a magical land called Fillory. Imagine his surprise when he finds himself unexpectedly admitted to a very secret, very exclusive college of magic in upstate New York, where he receives a thorough and rigorous education in the craft of modern sorcery.He also discovers all the other things people learn in college: friendship, love, sex, booze, and boredom. Something is missing, though. Magic doesn’t bring Quentin the ...


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Grossman Lev
другие книги автора:

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The Magicians


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