
Himmich Bensalem - The Theocrat

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Автор: Himmich Bensalem
Название: The Theocrat
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: American University in Cairo Press
Год издания: 2005
The Theocrat takes as its subject one of Arab and Islamic history's most perplexing figures, al-Hakim bi-Amr Illah ("the ruler by order of God"), the Fatimid caliph who ruled Egypt during the tenth century and whose career was a direct reflection of both the tensions within the Islamic dominions as a whole and of the conflicts within his own mind. In this remarkable novel Bensalem Himmich explores these tensions and conflicts and their disastrous consequences on an individual ruler and on his people. Himmich does not spare his readers the full horror and tragedy of al-Hakim's reign, but in ...


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Himmich Bensalem
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