
King Stephen - 11/22/63: A Novel

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Автор: King Stephen
Название: 11/22/63: A Novel
Жанр: Альтернативная история
Год издания: 2011
IN NOVEMBER 22, 1963, THREE SHOTSRANG OUT IN DALLAS, PRESIDENTKENNEDY DIED, AND THE WORLD CHANGED.WHAT IF YOU COULD CHANGE IT BACK? In this brilliantly conceived tour de force, Stephen Kingwho has absorbed the social, political, and popular culture of his generation more imaginatively and thoroughly than any other writertakes readers on an incredible journey into the past and the possibility of altering it. It begins with Jake Epping, a thirty-five-year-old English teacher in Lisbon Falls, Maine, who makes extra money teaching GED classes. He asks his students to write about an event that changed their lives, and one essay blows ...


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King Stephen
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