
Lopez Robert - Good People

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Автор: Lopez Robert
Название: Good People
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: Bellevue Literary Press
Год издания: 2016
“Lopez has the ability to give the reader whiplash with his unconventional and bewitching stories.” —“Robert Lopez is the master of deadpan dread, of the elliptical koan, of the sudden turn of language that reveals life to be so wonderfully absurd. Always with Lopez, the voice is all his — enchanting, surprising, at times devastating.” —, author of “Robert Lopez’s strange, incantatory, visionary stories reveal the mysteries behind the ordinary world. You lift your head from this book and it’s as if a third eye has been opened.” —, author of and “Nothing is funnier than unhappiness,” ...


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Lopez Robert
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