
Marias Javier - Dark Back of Time

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Автор: Marias Javier
Название: Dark Back of Time
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: Vintage Espanol
Год издания: 2012
Called by its author a false novel, Dark Back of Time begins with the tale of the odd effects of publishing All Souls, his witty and sardonic 1989 Oxford novel. All Souls is a book Marias swears to be fiction, but which its characters-the real-life dons and professors and bookshop owners who have recognized themselves-fiercely maintain to be a roman a clef. With the sleepy world of Oxford set into fretful motion by a world that never existed, Dark Back of Time begins an odyssey into the nature of identity (we do not know anyone entirely, not even ourselves) and ...


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Marias Javier
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