
Marra Anthony - The Wolves of Bilaya Forest

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Автор: Marra Anthony
Название: The Wolves of Bilaya Forest
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: The Atlantic
Год издания: 2012
Exclusive to Kindle, in Marra’s The Wolves of Bilaya Forest, the wolves — those “capitalists of the animal kingdom”—have returned. Vera Pavlova has lived long enough to know that when this happens and they begin to howl, it means the approach of hunger, the threat of starvation, and the onset of desperation. The woods loom large as Vera grapples with the truth about, and her justification of, what she did to her own mother. And now — as the men cut and package their drugs in her house once a week — what she has done to her own daughter.Anthony Marra is an M.F.A. candidate at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His piece was chosen, out of hundreds of stories, as the first place winner in The Atlantic’s 2009 Student Writing Contest. His fiction has also appeared in Narrative.


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Marra Anthony
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The Wolves of Bilaya Forest