
McKinley Robin - Chalice

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Автор: McKinley Robin
Название: Chalice
Жанр: Фэнтези
Издательский дом: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS
Год издания: 2008
As the newly appointed Chalice, Mirasol is the most important member of the Master's Circle. It is her duty to bind the Circle, the land and its people together with their new Master. But the new Master of Willowlands is a Priest of Fire, only drawn back into the human world by the sudden death of his brother. No one knows if it is even possible for him to live amongst his people. Mirasol wants the Master to have his chance, but her only training is as a beekeeper. How can she help settle their demesne during these troubled times and bind it to a Priest of Fire, the touch of whose hand can burn human flesh to the bone?Robin McKinley weaves a captivating tale that reveals the healing power of duty and honor, love and honey.


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McKinley Robin
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