
Naudé S. - The Alphabet of Birds

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Автор: Naudé S.
Название: The Alphabet of Birds
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: And Other Stories Publishing
Год издания: 2014
If death comes to a loved one, can we grieve alone? When all around is in ruins, can we confine our lives to one beautiful room constructed out of art, or love, or family ties? And when the words we know prove inadequate, can we turn to the language of birds?In an arty mansion in Milan’s industrial zone, two men are shown one of the last remaining Futurist noise machines — an Intonarumore — and a painful old truth surfaces. A musician travels to three continents to see her siblings before returning to Johannesburg; her home is plundered ...


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Naudé S.
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The Alphabet of Birds