
Pettersson Vicki - Cheat the Grave

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Автор: Pettersson Vicki
Название: Cheat the Grave
Жанр: Фэнтези
Las Vegas socialite and otherwordly avenger Joanna Archer gave up everything when she embraced mortality – abandoning her powers and altering her destiny to save a child… and a city. Now her former allies are her enemies – and her enemies have nothing to fear.Yet still she is bound to a prophecy that condemns her to roam a nightmare landscape that ordinary humans cannot see and dare not enter. And a beast is on her trail – an insane killer blinded by bloodlust, who's determined to rip much more from Joanna than merely her now-fragile life. Survival is no longer an option in this dark realm where good and evil have blurred into confusing shades of gray – unless she can gather together an army of onetime foes and destroy everything she once believed in.


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Pettersson Vicki
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