
Rose Daniel - Larrys Kidney, Being the True Story of How I Found Myself in China

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Rose Daniel - Larrys Kidney, Being the True Story of How I Found Myself in China скачать бесплатно
Автор: Rose Daniel
Название: Larrys Kidney, Being the True Story of How I Found Myself in China
Жанр: Современная проза
Larry Feldman desperately needed a kidney. After two god-awful years on dialysis, watching his life ebb away while waiting on a transplant list behind 74,000 other Americans, the gun-toting couch potato decided to risk everything and travel to China, the controversial kingdom of organ transplants. He was confident he could shake out a single, pre-loved kidney from the country's 1.3 billion people. But Larry urgently needed his cousin Daniel's help… even though they had been on the outs with each other for years.But wait: Larry was never one to not get his money's worth. Since he was already shelling out for a trip to China, he decided to make it a twofer: he arranged to pick up an (e-)mail-order bride while he was at it. After a tireless search of the Internet, he already knew the woman he wanted. An unforgettable adventure, Larry's Kidney is the funniest yet most heartwarming book of the year.


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Rose Daniel
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Larrys Kidney, Being the True Story of How I Found Myself in China