
Sada Daniel - One Out of Two

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Автор: Sada Daniel
Название: One Out of Two
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: Graywolf Press
Год издания: 2015
The most distinctive thing about the Gamal sisters is that they are, essentially, indistinguishable (except for a modest mole). The twin spinsters spend their time trying to mask any perceptible differences they have while working hard at their thriving tailoring business in a small town in rural northern Mexico. When? Thirty years ago? Fifty years ago? Who can say — the world seems not to intrude on Ocampo very much.Gloria and Constitution take an almost perverse delight in confusing people about which one is which. But then a suitor enters the picture, and one of the sisters ...


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Sada Daniel
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One Out of Two