
Saldaña París Daniel - Among Strange Victims

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Автор: Saldaña París Daniel
Название: Among Strange Victims
Жанр: Современная проза
Издательский дом: Coffee House Press
Год издания: 2016
"His tools are brilliant syntax, the ability to achieve highly powerful, recurrent images, a set of relationships between the plot strands that are more than a forced structure, and humor, a corrosive humor that never leads to laughter, but is present in every phrase of the book, charged with relentless sardonic irony." — “Daniel Saldaña París knows how to talk about those other tragedies populating daily life: a boring, unwanted marriage; mind numbing office work; family secrets. He builds on those bricks of tedium a greatly enjoyable and splendidly well-written suburban farce.” —Rodrigo likes his vacant ...


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Saldaña París Daniel
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