
DuBois Richard - Last Resort

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Автор: DuBois Richard
Название: Last Resort
Жанр: Постапокалипсис
Издательский дом: September 6 Publishing
Год издания: 2013
After discovering his wife’s infidelity, mild mannered adjunct professor Phillip Crane and his wife, Gwen, try to save their marriage with a trip to an upscale resort on a remote island. The tropical isle is paradise on earth, but when an EMP blast knocks out the power Phillip realizes how easily heaven can turn to hell. The stakes for Phillip rise as the resort becomes a fortress besieged by bands of murderous islanders. Within the resort, dangers mount when one of the other guests becomes a ruthless tyrant who covets Gwen for himself. Caught between brutal dictatorship and bloody anarchy, Phillip must fight alone for the woman he loves and for the light of humanity.


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DuBois Richard
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