
Галеано Эдуардо - Soccer in Sun and Shadow

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Автор: Галеано Эдуардо
Название: Soccer in Sun and Shadow
Жанр: Публицистика
Издательский дом: Byliner Inc.
Год издания: 2013
This new edition of Eduardo Galeano's riveting commentary on the history and politics of soccer includes newly written material on the 2002 World Cup, which one quarter of humanity watched. Discussing everything from the leveling of the Twin Towers to the death of the sole survivor of that extraordinary match between British and German soldiers in 1915, one of South America's greatest commentators issues forth on robotic soccer in Japan, the mass-production of the game as a sign of the decline of civilization, the amazing success of Senegal and Turkey, and how Nike beat Adidas.


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Галеано Эдуардо
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